Monday, February 1, 2016

Notes from Mr. Everett...

Hello Parents!
Months have flown by since my last post, and I have been busy in the classrooms with the kids.  We recently finished a unit on Cooperation & Teamwork.  We used cooperative games to examine the following positive team member behaviors:

  • Listen
  • Share Ideas
  • Encourage Others
  • Do Your Part
  • Lead & Follow (being flexible enough to do both)

The next rotation will focus on "personal safety" lessons. Students will be learning how to keep their bodies safe, and they will learn to differentiate between safe and unsafe touches. They will begin to identify the adults in their lives that they can talk to if they have a problem. On the day that I teach your child, I will send home a handout to parents with specifics.  Talking about this lesson with your child will help to reinforce the points I cover.  I have emailed you to inform you of the exact date that I will be discussing this topic with your child.  The picture below is part of our lesson to help the children identify trusted adults.  When you see this at home, ask them about their five adults they trust.  Also, flip this paper over and read my letter on the opposite side.  If you have any questions, please email me or stop by my office.