Monday, November 23, 2015

It's Terry Fox Time!

Hello Parents,

So far this year, the ES students and I have discussed the following topics during my classroom lesson times:  friendship, coping with teasing, learning to compromise, cyberbullying (2nd-5th), and I am now beginning to discuss perseverance. I use the context of the Terry Fox Run to talk to the kids about never giving up and trying even when things seem difficult.  On Nov 22, the Elementary School assembled in the Bosch Center to learn about Terry Fox and how they can help to raise money to continue funding research being conducted at the SQU Hospital here in Oman.  The fifth grade Ambassador group had fun helping me create the video you see linked below.  The theme this year is "DREAM BIG!"  See you on December 10th at the Terry Fox Run!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Into the Classrooms!

This week I started my classroom visits, and by early next week I will have visited every class from KG to 5th.  I look forward to interacting with all of the students again this year.  As you can see in the photo, my class schedule is posted outside my office as well as the schedule for all of my New Student Groups.  By September 6th, I'll have met all of our 1st-5th new-to-TAISM students.  During this first rotation in the classroom, my focus is on getting reacquainted with all of the kids, as well as reviewing one of our tried and true frameworks for dealing with peers...TALK-WALK-SQUAWK.  This is a simple set of steps for dealing with a peer that is bothering you.  Ask them about it!

Friday, August 14, 2015

"Happy New Year!"

Those of us that work in education often feel as if late August should be the time to greet each other with "Happy New Year!" instead of on January 1st.  It's an exciting time as we welcome back our returning students, and have the opportunity to meet new families joining our TAISM community.

I look forward to seeing you all during Registration which takes place on August 19-20 for new and returning students.

The presentation linked below describes my position at the school.
Elementary Counseling at TAISM

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Elementary Ambassadors Help with Nepal Relief Effort

Earthquake in Nepal

This coming Tuesday, our TAISM Community will be implementing a fundraising campaign to assist those in need after the earthquake in Nepal. On May 5, the TAISM community will begin "re-building" in the cafeteria and collecting donations for the Earthquake Relief Fund that was set up by the Lincoln School. The ES Ambassadors will be helping manage this project during the elementary lunch periods.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Hello TAISM Parents!

Things have been busy in the Counseling Office, as they always are this time of year.  There are many families going through transitions.  Some are just arriving to our community, and some are just beginning to process the news that they will have to leave Muscat soon.  Academic demands are in full swing.  Many of our kids are involved in extra-curricular activities, lessons, sports, and perhaps they are learning lines for the upcoming Elementary Musical.  Also, February and March tend to be extra busy in Oman, with everyone trying to cram weekends full with outdoor opportunities and trips...knowing that the end of the beautiful weather will soon come to a close.  And, this seems to be birthday party season as well, with sometimes 2 or 3 kids' birthday parties per weekend!  I haven't even mentioned other tough issues, such as family conflicts, illnesses, or losses.  With all of this rushing around, the effects of stress are evident.  Kids and families are finding it harder to cope with the normal challenges of their day.

My class lessons for the past two rotations have focused on STRESS.  We define it, we talk about its causes, how it makes us feel, and what we can do to reduce stress in our lives.  We practice square breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.  We also discuss how sleep, exercise, and talking about our problems are all important in reducing stress.  In the 5th grade, we also discuss time management, as they will soon be learning to use planners in middle school...which is only five months from now!

 What can you do as a parent to help?

Take a look at these articles:

Don't have time to read these articles?  Too stressed?  Here are a few common points in all of the articles I read:
  • Be a role model.  Model healthy stress management in your own life.
  • SLEEEEEEP!  Be vigilant about protecting your child's sleep time.
  • Exercise, stay active.
  • Learn relaxation techniques.
  • Play time, "down" time is important.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Counselor Lessons Lately

Hello Parents,

So far this year, the ES students and I have discussed the following topics during my classroom lesson times:  friendship, coping with teasing, learning to compromise, being a cooperative member of a team, and perseverance.  

Today begins the "personal safety" lessons. Students will be learning how to keep their bodies safe, and they will learn to differentiate between safe and unsafe touches. They will begin to identify the adults in their lives that they can talk to if they have a problem. On the day that I teach your child, I will send home a handout to parents with specifics.  Talking about this lesson with your child will help to reinforce the points I cover.  I have emailed you to inform you of the exact date that I will be discussing this topic with your child.  The picture below is part of our lesson to help the children identify trusted adults.  When you see this at home, ask them about their five adults they trust.  Also, flip this paper over and read my letter on the opposite side.  If you have any questions, please email me or stop by my office.