Elementary students joined the entire TAISM community last week in the Terry Fox Run. Our community raised over 3000 Rials for leukemia research at SQU Hospital. Thanks to all who participated! In my lessons, I focused on "Perseverance." The kids were able to grasp what it means to never give up, even when things are difficult. We read The Little Engine That Could by W. Piper, and the older grades also read a biography picture book about Terry Fox. Ask your child about telling yourself "I think I can!" when things get tough.
From Jan 29-Feb 5, I will be teaching my "Personal Safety" lesson in each classroom. They will be learning how to keep their bodies safe, and they will begin to identify the adults in their lives that they can talk to if they have a problem. On the day that I teach your child, I will send home a handout to parents with specifics. Talking about this lesson with your child will help to reinforce the points I cover. If you have any questions beforehand, please email me or stop by my office.